Hanna Stachowiak-Dłużyńska was born in Rawicz, in May 1994. She graduated Chemistry at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland) in 2018 with an M.Sc. degree, and right after that started her Ph.D. at the same institution (graduated in 2023). She is related to Prof. Hreczycho's group since the beginning of her study in 2013, focusing on the development of original, highly selective, and extremely efficient strategies for the functionalization of an organic compound by silicon, boron, and germanium moieties. She is a co-author of six protocols (twice as a first author) and two reviews, which were published in prestigious journals. In 2019, her master thesis was honorable mentioned in the Poznan City Award for outstanding master theses. Moreover, she gained the leadership of two prominent projects, respectively in 2020 (Preludium from National Science Centre, project no. 2019/35/N/ST4/01373), and 2021 (ID-UB from AMU, project no. 017/02/SNS/0009). In 2022, she completed her internship in the Sustainable Chemistry Centre at Bayreuth University (Germany) under the supervision of Prof. Rhett Kempe. Recently, her up-to-date achievements were also awarded by the Chapter of the Scientific Award of the City of Poznan, and received a scholarship for young researchers from the Poznan research community. In her free time, Hanna likes swimming, hiking, and traveling. She is also a big fan of Formula 1 as well as a plant lover.